
Bunaken - North Sulawesi

Bunaken - North Sulawesi
Who does not know Bunaken? foreign Traveler was agreed, Bunaken is the perfect place to dive. There are a variety sorts of fish ornamental and coral reefs which charming in this place. Dive into the beauty!

Bunaken is located in North Sulawesi and not far from downtown, Manado. Bunaken in Manado Bay with an area of ​​8.08 km2. You can take it with a speed boat from Manado at a cost of Rp 25,000 per person for 40 minutes.

Bunaken - North Sulawesi

In Bunaken, there were 13 types of coral reefs in this marine park which dominated by marine rocks. One of the interesting sights, the coral cliffs that rise vertically downwards as deep as 25-50 meters.

Not only are coral reefs, there are 91 species of fish that are ready accompanying you. The types of fish such as local fish gusimi horse (Hippocampus), white koi (Seriola rivoliana), lolosi yellow tail (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Spilotocepsep hinephelus and hypselosoma Pseudanthias), indigo trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus), and others.

Bunaken - North Sulawesi
In Bunaken also has 20 point dives. Sure, the underwater biota at any point of diving is different and beautiful. Do not forget to visit the Manado Tua, Siladen, and Mantehage, which has a beach that is no less beautiful.

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Bunaken - North Sulawesi